Information Communication Technology
ICT Programme at Alexandra Primary School (ALPS)
Our Vision
In today's globalised world, Infocommunication Technology (ICT) is integral to our lives. At ALPS, we empower our students to understand, integrate, and apply new technologies, ensuring they remain relevant and competitive.
Our Approach
We prepare every child to be 'future-ready' for a digital networked environment by teaching them to use ICT creatively, independently, and responsibly. Students will acquire the digital literacy skills through level-based ICT programmes, school-wide assembly programmes and Home-Based Learning (HBL).
Digital Tools and digital literacy
Our students learn to use:
· Collaborative tools (e.g. Google's G-Suite, Student Learning Space)
· Creative tools (e.g. garage band for Music, digital art)
· Presentation tools (e.g. Microsoft Word & PowerPoint)
· Comprehensive coding training from Primary 3 to 5 (under Applied Learning Programme for Primary 3-4 as well as Code for Fun organized by IMDA for Primary 5)
Cyber Wellness Education
In line with MOE's Cyber Wellness Education, we focus on our students' well-being as they navigate cyberspace. Our school curriculum equips students to:
• Harness ICT for positive purposes
• Maintain a positive online presence
• Be safe and responsible ICT users
Key Cyber Wellness Messages
• Embrace technology while maintaining a balanced lifestyle
• Be a safe and responsible user of technology
• Be responsible for personal well-being in cyberspace
Source: MOE Cyber Wellness Programme
Cyber Wellness Initiatives at ALPS:
Various platforms are provided for students to acquire and apply their Cyber Wellness skills :
• Assembly talks
• FTGP lessons
• Dedicated time highlighting the Cyberwellness messages such as Safer Internet Day, Cyber Wellness Week
Safer Internet Day
Safer Internet Day is an annual global initiative which aims to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile devices among children and young people. This special celebration takes place in February every year. At ALPS, students attend assembly talk where they learn important and useful practices for responsible sharing online, to protect themselves as well as those around them. This will be followed up with discussions with their Form teachers during FTGP time.

Cyber Wellness Week @ ALPS
Cyber Wellness Week @ ALPS aimed to foster Cyber Wellness and encourage safe and discerning technology use among our students. The week's activities were tailored to reinforce the Cyber Wellness messages shared through ongoing CCE lessons, commemoration of Safer Internet Day and Total Defence Day (Digital Defence) in Term 2. Through these learning experiences, we hope to nurture positive digital habits of our students as they navigate cyberspace.

Learn more about how you can keep your child safe online through these resources: