Information Communication Technology
ICT Programme in ALPS
Infocomm Technology (ICT) has become an integral part of our lives in this globalised world that we live in. We have to ensure that our students are empowered with the ability to understand, integrate and utilise new technologies so as to stay relevant and competitive.
At Alexandra Primary School, we prepare every child to be ‘future-ready’ for a digital networked environment by learning to use ICT creatively, independently and responsibly for learning. Students will acquire the digital literacy skills through level-based ICT programmes, school-wide assembly programmes and Home-Based Learning (HBL). Some examples of digital tools taught in school include:
- Collaborative tools such as Google’s G-Suite and the Student Learning Space
- Microsoft office applications such as Word, PowerPoint and Excel
- Code For Fun for Primary 5 students
Technology has transformed our work and social environments, changing the way we live, learn and communicate. To thrive in this dynamic environment, students need to learn how to curate digital content, connect and communicate digitally and create digital multimodal products, while taking into account ethical and social practices. As such, our ICT learning experiences are designed for students to acquire the necessary skills, knowledge, attitudes and values to navigate the current and future digital landscape.
Internet Safer Day 2022
Internet Safer Day was conducted on 22nd February 2022 with trainers from Touch Wellness Services engaged to give talks to the students. Primary 1 to 3 students attended the online Zoom assembly programme “Proper Netiquette: Showing Respect Online & Offline” whereas Primary 4 to 6 students attended the programme on “Screen Time Management: Facing the Consequence of Multiple Screens”.
The students acquired a better understanding of how to conduct themselves online and prioritize their screen time and participated whole heartedly using their Student Diary to respond to the online quiz. At the end of the session, students were also tasked to complete an SLS lesson package on Netiquette and Screen Time Management to review their learning points.